Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ebola Virus and Rahu Ketu

Ebola Virus looks like Rahu-Ketu symbol. And this is not mere coincidence. Astrology can indicate all and every aspect of human life and all the problems of mankind.

JASA Oct-Dec 2014 Issue Released

Rare Article on “Ruling Planet Fortuna” by K. S. Krishnamurti from Astrology & Athsishta

Happy Deepavali to all our 24000+ subscribed readers spread across more than 120 countries. Truly, this is largest astrological family in the whole world and no other e-magazine can ever boast of such large readership.

          In this issue of JASA, I am providing an article from Astrology & Athrista, June 1965 Issue titled “Ruling Planet Fortuna” where late KSK is explaining how to interpret Ruling Planets. Like in the last issue there was the article by KSK on Prayer and Remedies. The main purpose of providing this rare article of KSK is to help all or readers understand and know the authentic KP astrology that was invented by the inventor himself. A section of astrologers who love to call them as KP astrologers are doing some training programs here and there and fooling people with their wrongful disbelief about retrograde planets, non-rotation of horary charts and worst---they are saying that late KSK did not believe in remedies. It is high time that such bad propaganda about our Guruji late KSK is stopped and such fellows are exposed in the public who dare to malign our Guruji.

          The biggest joke is that after the Jul-Sep 2014 issue of JASA a reviewer of a magazine wrote in his friend’s magazine that in the last paragraph KSK is saying “whether you pray or not the event will happen” and using this statement to say that KSK did not believe in remedies. What that foolish reviewer did not understand was that the statement of KSK showed his confidence on his own prediction and not his disbelief of remedies. KSK himself was the worshipper of Lord Uchchista Ganapati and no Hindu worshipper can ever disbelieve in remedies.

          Here in this article of A&A given in this issue of JASA, you will come to know the philosophical basis of Ruling planets. READ IT YOURSELF to find out the truth. The complete Fortuna article can be accessed free of cost from http://www.kpastrologylearning.com/free-kp-system-astrology-resources

In this issue of JASA we have fantastic articles by 21 authors who have together contributed 26 articles of high calibre. Among them there are 7 new authors who are Sri Naveen Chitlangia (Rudra) ji, Sri Shiv Kumar Joshi (Lala) ji, Sri P. S. Chiranjeevi ji, Sri Mohan Kumar R. Ji, Sri Ranjit Singh Chawla ji, Sri Dinesh Kumar Khandal ji, and Smt. Saradha Devi ji

Each of these authors have shared finest pieces of articles on KP astrology, Meena2 Naadi system and new modern techniques of stellar astrology such as the the wonderful article by Sri Mohan Kumar R. Ji.

          Apart from these, there are our regular authors who keep on providing us with high class and high quality astrological material by enriching us with their personal astrological experiential journey. It is my honor to publish their articles in this prestigious international journal of stellar astrology.

          This November 1st will be the 106th Birth Anniversary of our Guruji of all—late K.S. Krishnamurti ji and so this issue of JASA is dedicated in his loving memory.

          Enjoy this issue and a keep writing to me because I enjoy reading your emails.
